S.Y. Girolama The Skipper
The Skipper, myself that is, (my friends call me Pippo), I was born in Brig, Switzerland.
After having studied zoologie in Bern, I left the Alps for life at sea.
In spain I became a diving instructor, a profession which I have exercised in many parts of the world. In 1980, I bought the first 'Girolama', sailing it througout the Cinese, Red, Mediterranean and Caribean sea, Indian and Atlantic ocean.
In 1984 I chose Lipari to live and rear my family, whilst managing various diving schools.
My life as a 'vagabond' at sea has tought me the art of navigation, the maintenance of all types of boats, and how to afront the various problems that can arise. I have also learnt how to live in the small spaces of a yacht together with my guests of various nationalities and cultures, being always able to keep my head no matter what happens.
I speak five languages along with various dialects, have given over 1000 diving licences and have welcomed many thousends of guests on board and would also be very happy to welcome You!

Ciao, Pippo.

E - mail:girolama@isole-eolie.com